Wednesday, 14 August 2013

A New Season and a New Beginning

For anyone who had read previous posts you are going to notice a bit of a change.  I am changing this from a personal blog to one more business centered. You are still going to receive great health tips just less about the life of being a mom, unless the children enlighten me on some sort of injury prevention tip.  Another change is that we will be adding guest bloggers, giving them a chance to share their injury prevention and management tips while giving you another perspective.

The basis will still be as our name suggests Eat Right and Ice.  Ask any of my athletes or patients and they will tell you that no matter their injury they were told to ice and if they wanted to achieve success they needed to fuel their body properly.  No matter your sport, activity or occupation the information here will help you achieve the success that is in you.

As we get closer to then end of summer and fall starts to get into full swing so do many sports and activities. Fall can be a very trying time for all those involved in sport.  Athletes are under both internal and external pressures during tryouts, you then throw in the beginning of a new school year and it can play a major factor in their on field performance.  Coaches are dealing with the expectations of their organization and parents as well as juggling work, sport and their own children's schedules.  Parents are now juggling back to school, multiple sport schedules on top of normal daily activities.  With increased stress levels and busy schedules proper nutrition typically goes out the window at a time when it is crucial for athletes to fuel their bodies properly. Proper rest and nourishment help combat mental and physical fatigue which plays a role in injury prevention.

Over the next few weeks we will be focusing on how to get through tryouts healthy and injury free.

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